Privacy Policy
Personal information, such as names, company names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, provided by our customers in inquiry entry forms on the website operated and managed by Z. Kuroda (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (the "Company") will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
The Company uses the personal information provided by our customers to the extent necessary for the following purposes, and such information may also be provided to the group companies of Z. Kuroda (Thailand) Co., Ltd. for such purposes:
- to answer inquiries from our customers; and
- to send announcements on our events to be held, etc. and our new items and products.
The Company will take appropriate safety measures for our customers' personal information that we acquire, and by doing so, the Company will do its best to prevent the personal information of our customers from being leaked, lost, damaged or accessed without authorization.
The Company will not disclose personal information to third parties, except when:
- the Company is requested or required to provide it under applicable laws or regulations;
- our customers consent; or
- the Company entrusts an outsourcing company, which has executed a confidentiality agreement with the Company with regard to personal information, with the handling of personal information to the extent necessary for purposes of our customers.
If you do not wish to provide your personal information to us, you may refuse to provide your personal information at your own discretion. In such case, you may not be able to use some of our services on our website. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
The Company will not accept any responsibility for the handling of your personal information on the websites of individuals or businesses other than the Company that are linked to our website.
The Company will comply with laws and regulations on the protection of personal information and other related norms and the like. The Privacy Policy is subject to change as a result of a change to laws, regulations, etc.